Straight from the heart..

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Just another cameo ❤️

I saw him standing tall in the corridoor drinking some beer...
He was Nothing but an effortless charmer of top gear!
He walked towards us and our eyes met with our handshake, hello and hi..
But something definitely happened, some spark i guess, i dont lie..
I didnt realize until we spoke and connected like a house on fire!
Maybe thats what happens when one matchstick meets another live wire! 
We laughed through our conversations over endless drinks and smoke..
It was spontaneous, fun and a happy time to toke!
Sparks were flying everytime our hands touched or eyes met!
And when he asked me to dance, i must have almost skipped a heart beat, u bet! 
I was drawn towards him, may be he was too, im not sure...
But it was magical, nothing devilish.. Absolutely pure..
We were inseparable that night coz our souls were having their own dance!
I was smitten coz he had taken me into trance..
But then the next morning i woke up to his reality and just took a sigh.
He was magic and he would vanish without even a how or why. 
I was disappointed but when i saw him again looking at me, i smiled towards this mad guy with his charming shine.
We met for something i dont know as yet, but for those three days he was just mine.
God knows if i will ever meet this idiot again or even be in touch later in life..
I dont even know if i will even be his friend, stranger again, girlfriend or wife..
But i know if i ever feel lonely or low..
I will just think of that night and his look, and i will get back my glow..
So he was neither any hero nor a fairytale romeo..
He came to make me feel loved coz he was a just another god sent cameo! 

Thank you cameo

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Run to win over your thoughts

Trembling and shaking she fought through her tears..
Heart beats racing and at the highest peak rose her fears!
She breathed deeply but nothing helped at that time..
For once she even threw away that glass of wine!
She brokedown and looked up there to ask "why and till when will you test me, cant see any way"?
She got no answer, so she held her heart closest and treaded towards her home that day..
She looked at herself in the mirror and the reflection haunted her that night...
She hated what she had become and all this coz of her expectation and its fright!
She cried herself to tears and woke up with determination...
She walked and then she ran, ran with venegeance but without hesitation!
She had to run, she just had to! to kill each expectation with each step she took..
With each heavy breath she promised to let it all go, she focussed on the steps and no where to look!
She ran and just ran till she felt empty inside...
And for once she felt happily empty, but continued her stride..
She then stopped and smiled looking at the sea...
She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and let it all go into that beautiful vast sea!
And then she ran like she always did with her fav song on and a gorgeous smile on her face!
She did stop at once, only to tighten her shoe lace and conitnued happily running at her own comfortable pace :)

Sunday, November 1, 2015


She fell down and asked for hand to get up and reach her tent..
Only to realize, she had to get up on her own and become independent..

Walk small steps if that means, leave no bone unbent..
Coz girl u gotta be independent..

You wanted to ask, but only few had their advise sent..
And then girl u had to be independent...

You did depend, and then what happened, it left a dent!
And then girl, u were forced to be independent...

They wanted you to fall, but you rose higher like an aspirant..
Coz girl you were on the path to become independent...

And now you walk unafraid of anyone, nothing to fear or to vent..
Coz girl you are now independent..

Its ok to expect, but never to depend - and thats how lifes meant..
Coz girl, you're your own hero.. And ure independent ...

Monday, October 12, 2015

Just another...

Just another story.. Just another part..
Just another memory hidden deep inside her heart...
Just another cameo, just another picture burnt...
Just another memorable page which now needs to be turned...
Just another boy, just another lover..
Just another idiot who broke her heart and is not worthy of her story's book cover..
Just another character, just another something..
Which is now over and there is nothing..
Just another her and her beautiful mess..
Which now she decides to sort, so she puts on her fav dress..
Just another fav song and just another her fav dance!
Which made her realize and got her thinking into trance!
And there she stood smiling back at what she saw behind..
Too many unwanted just anothers messing up her grind..
Chin up and head high she realized never to give or be a just another anything to anyone never never!
Always be something meaningful which can last forever...
So then she smiled and dialed her fav number on her phone!
I love you always irrespective said her mom/ friend, and her face beautifully shone!
Let go of the just anothers, they are just a speckle of dust in the air...
Dance to life with your constants, shine like a diamond.. Move on while twirling ur beautiful hair :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Constants balance my life!

Early morning gym/ walk gets me to be extremely fresh and happy
Makes me forget the previous day, good, ok or crappy

Having time to sit and eat breakfast with my entire family is just totally bliss
Just that the day begins so positively with the bestest people in my life, making me all set for the work’s hiss

People rushing out fighting to get into cabs with air conditioners on, save them from the heat and dust?
Well, I love keeping my hair open, listen to my fav music, peep outside the window and drown myself in the morning breeze – helps me remove my mind’s rust 

While working, a message from my bestie or someone I adore/ love can bring that smile back on my face
Just a re-assurance that I have someone special to fall back upon.. someone who will not compete with me in this crazy corporate rat race

When I am totally de motivated and want to just pack up my bags for the day
A call from my angelic sister does it all for me, to be back in full swing.. then even when the sun don’t shine, I can still keep making hay

Wherever I am, in which ever part of the world.. late evening, I will get his call
And all he will ask, all good? We’re waiting for you to get home.. Well that’s my paa.. protecting me from any and every haul

You know when I am tired and I come home really stressed post work
A simple hug from mom, granny does it all for me, no space for any smirk

Before sleeping, the late night conversations with that special someone makes me feel life’s love
The good part of life, and I end up sleeping with a dreamy smile on my face, thanking the god above

So, however inconsistent my day would be, good or bad
These very constants in my life make life beautiful for me.. coz they aren’t just a fad.

I always believe, treat every relation like it’s here to stay forever. Give it your everything. Don’t hold back.
It’s ok if someone takes you for granted. It just means they know you’re always going to be there. It feels great to be a constant in someone’s life.

Shudder them up, to remind them you too need their attention. But never leave them.
Constants are just not people, these could be habits, sources of happiness, anything that bring us out from our boredom, our routine. Bring us back to life.
Between all the incoherent relations/ people we have around us, the equation of life is balanced beautifully only because of the constants in our life 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Blabber of thoughts...

Today, after a long.. A turmoil of thoughts circle my mind
Maybe I just need a few days vacation to unwind

Or maybe it’s more than just work this time that’s bothering me
I try hard to read my mind myself.. clearing the dust on the windshield, but unable to  clearly see

Am I really struggling to fit in to a place where I don’t belong
Trying to not accept this as a matter of fact. How much longer to prolong?

I usually don’t give anything less than 100% to a task at hand
But what do I do with masked people all around my beautiful land

Patience is a virtue I have learnt so well I must say now
I am trying hard to keep my calm through small & big storms somehow

A tinge of loneliness encircles me today… I don’t know why
Maybe I miss something today, or may be not. Its just too much thinking gone into something else. Well the later would be a lie.

How cool are people to listen to an honest heart?
Other than this blog/ wall of mine, most people genuinely care a fart.

I guess all I need is a genuine hug of acceptance of my ruthlessly honest personality I guess.
But why wear a mask, when I chose to be ME, nothing more. Nothing less.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Happily ever after..

Their eyes met… and he looked at her with a longing
The look she craved for and had always wanted for the belonging..

Her azure eyes shone fears of past and she resisted moving towards him
He thought she didn’t love her enough and his face reflected a look so grim

Her silence confessed her feelings so pure
Their eyes hugged from a distance with lure

His eyes echoed her tears that trickled down slowly as pearls
He slowly paced towards her, her heart was going through emotional twirls

he gently held her hand and placed it near his heart
and gave her the everlasting loving look which hit her like a cupid’s dart

she touched him to confirm if he wasn’t a dream just like every night
and he smiled and kissed her lovingly on her forehead freeing her from her emotional fright

That was the moment of silent trance coz their heartbeats rhymed so perfect
They just hugged till they almost melted into each other, nothing else to remember or no one to forget

He knelt down and proposed to her saying  ‘Be my Myrah forever and fill my life with love and laughter!’
She blissfully whispered, ‘im your Myrah, coz you gave my love story its happy ever after :)’
